Lankarama Main

General Donation

It is your generous contributions make it possible to maintain  Lankarama Vihara and provide great services to our community for their religious and mental wellbeing.

Please use the following bank account details for Electronic fund transfers  (EFT) your generous donations for vihara upkeep and maintenance.

Please note your mobile or phone number as the EFT transaction reference.

Account Name: Sri Lankan Buddhist Vihara Association Sydney Inc.

BSB: 062-016
Account: 1001 3563


To acknowledge your generous donation and post a receipt

 please include your “Transaction Reference” in the comment section with any other details in the Personal information section below,


email your EFT receipt to with “Transaction Reference”, your name and address.



Donation Amount

Personal Info

Billing Details

Your donation is greatly appreciated!

Donation Total: $1.00